
Sea World Photos

Killer Moves!, originally uploaded by Matt McGee.

Oh my goodness. I haven't posted in so long and we've done so much I don't even know where to begin. I'm thinking that I will make regular blogging my New Years Resolution. With my new laptop I have absolutely no excuse not bang out a sentence or two each week.

Here are some of the things Jeff and I have done in the last couple of months...

Went to Lauren and Justin's Wedding in Rhode Island.
Had Thanksgiving with our friends Vero and Paul.
Went to Sea World.
Went to the OB Christmas Parade and pub crawl (not in the same evening).
Saw Twilight at the Movies.
Bought and decorated a Christmas Tree.
Planned and booked a ski trip to Mammoth Mtn after Christmas.

So we've been pretty busy to say the least.

Here are a few photos.

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