
Mammoth Ski Trip (part 1)

So, here we are, Tamarack Logde in the wilderness outside of Mammoth Lakes, CA, in the dark shadow of Mammoth Mountain itself. The drive was, scenic, quick, quiet, and (conveniently enough) there were few others on there way up to the Mammoth Lakes area. Our guess is that anyone who wanted to party for New Year's does not go to the mountains, but it's just a guess.

So, we are here at 8100' above sea level for a night's worth of restful (alpine-air, altitude-sickness induced slumber, after eating a rather hearty meal of German food at the Austria-hof Lodge "around the corner."

The greatest thing about Mammoth is the roughly 3000' vertical of skiing. Christie is excited to start the new day and try on her first ski lift. We tell her it's nothing to worry about, but still she worries (we also tell her that flying down the side of a mountain at half the speed of light while dodging trees, rocks, and other persons with large, small, fat, and skinny planks attached to their feet is fun too, so there is merit to her worries.) Hopefully by the end of the day, we'll be able to drag her off the bunny slope and talk her out of using "The Wedge" to stop herself. Wish us luck!


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