
Planning Our Trip to Queretaro, MX

Jeff and I are busy planning our trip to Queretaro, Mexico for this May. Our friends Veronica and Paul are getting married there. Queretaro is where Vero is from. I've only been to Mexico once for a camping trip and even then we only made it as far as Northern Baja. This will be Jeff's first trip ever to Mexico.

We spent tonight looking at flights and deciding which hotels we want to stay at. This was made easier by Vero's meticulous planning. Basically she did all the leg work and we just need to figure out which of the several hotels she has researched and secured discounts at best suits us. They're all charming and beautiful.

Well, I'm tired and have been planning for hours. Jeff and I enjoyed several good laughs though as we read the rough website translations from Spanish to English. Funny how computerized translators never really quite get it right. One hotel website, when translated, roughly stated that 1% of the rooms were nice. Ha ha. I wonder what they actually meant to say.

Well, goodnight all.


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