
So what do you think about moving to California?

If you're reading this then you are probably a close personal friend, family member, trusted colleague, or pretty amazing computer hacker. Whatever your relationship, chances are you already know the deal with Jeff's layoff in December (a couple weeks before Christmas). Long story short... Jeff was R.I.Fed (reduction in force) and thus began his search for a new job. One night on the phone he asked how I felt about moving to California. Having relocated to D.C. less than 2 years ago, I have pretty much gotten over any previous fears of relocation but I admit, I wasn't totally comfortable with packing up and moving to a place I have only seen in the movies. Not to mention, when I miss my friends in Beantown, I can just hop a flight northward and be home in an hour.

Over the next few weeks I had got to thinking about what Cali had to offer. Sure there are earthquakes, brush fires, rattle snakes, traffic and Arnold but there is also the Pacific ocean, surfing, wine country, tree huggers (a plus in my book) and the best weather on the planet. The more I thought about it the better it sounded. Jeff interviewed... twice... and the next thing we knew San Diego became our new home. He accepted an offer and left for training two weeks ago. Now I will be hanging out in D.C. through the spring but there is TONS to do in the meantime... starting with a trip back to Boston to see my friends and party like rock stars. That's looking like it will be in March... stay tuned for details.


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