
New Photos of the House

Here are some new progress photos of the house. We are still working on unpacking and haven't quite gotten to art yet so the walls are pretty empty but you can see how the house is progressing. Hopefully we can start remodeling the bathrooms after the new year and the kitchen some time at the end of next year.

Pretty Evening Sky

Rainbow after the Rain

Progress of our Livingroom

Getting Around to putting up Pictures in our Bedroom

The Guest Bath for now. We will remodel it next year.

Another shot of the Livingroom. Man, we need art.

Jeff replaced the front screen door and outdoor lighting.

The main hallway (er.... only hallway).

Another shot of the backyard.

Our street looking West.

Our street looking East.

The Front of the house at the garage. We are working on the grass.

The front walkway. We took out the bushes on the left to plant a cactus garden.

We put in a new refrigerator and dishwasher. The table is our staging area... hence the mess.

Potato Bush Outside our Kitchen Window


  1. The house looks fantastic, you guys have done a great job, keep the photos coming. I can't wait to see it in person.

  2. It looks like you live in a really nice neighborhood too. I can't wait to come visit you guys this year!
