
Halloween 2009 in the New Neighborhood

Halloween was amazing this year. We had easily 80 - 100 kids and had to close shop after our 8 bags of candy ran out. We knew it would be the best year ever because it seems every house on the block has kids. They were arriving in droves, 10 - 20 at a time. The one thing I noticed is a lot of the older kids didn't bother dressing up at all. Kind of sad if you ask me. Too cool for school I guess.

Still, the older ones seemed to appreciate all the work we did this year. We put up lots of spider webs, added an outdoor fog machine and I even mixed my own series of spooky music. Not the cheesy Monster Mash stuff but actually REALLY scary sounds including moaning, creepy birds, demons speaking backwards, wolves, and sounds from movie clips. Some of the kids were too afraid to even approach the house alone. Jeff watched from the window and just laughed at them. ... which probably scared them more.

Jeff didn't dress up this year but played photographer for me. I dressed up as a ghost. As most of my friends know, I am avidly against slutty costumes. I don't understand them and think most girls just look at Halloween as an excuse to dress like a whore because they can get away with it, forgetting that the point of Halloween is to be scary. Scary Halloween costumes are meant to scare away the evil spirits and personlly I like to hold true to the tradition. Forget slutty nurse, slutty gypsy, slutty cop, slutty beer wench or whatever. Halloween is about spooky costumes I stuck to my guns again this year. Here are some photos from my ghost costume.

Sure it's traditional but whatever... I'm a purist.


New Photos of the House

Here are some new progress photos of the house. We are still working on unpacking and haven't quite gotten to art yet so the walls are pretty empty but you can see how the house is progressing. Hopefully we can start remodeling the bathrooms after the new year and the kitchen some time at the end of next year.

Pretty Evening Sky

Rainbow after the Rain

Progress of our Livingroom

Getting Around to putting up Pictures in our Bedroom

The Guest Bath for now. We will remodel it next year.

Another shot of the Livingroom. Man, we need art.

Jeff replaced the front screen door and outdoor lighting.

The main hallway (er.... only hallway).

Another shot of the backyard.

Our street looking West.

Our street looking East.

The Front of the house at the garage. We are working on the grass.

The front walkway. We took out the bushes on the left to plant a cactus garden.

We put in a new refrigerator and dishwasher. The table is our staging area... hence the mess.

Potato Bush Outside our Kitchen Window

Smokey's Flea Bath

Just wanted to share this quickly. Before we moved from the UTC apartment we gave the cats a flea bath. They picked up fleas, we think, at the vet. We wanted them dipped before they arrived at their new home. I have to say, bathing a cat is both sad and hilarious at the same time. I snapped this photo of Smokey after the torture subsided. I think this photo is a good representation of just how pissed she was.