
The San Diego Zoo - 1st Visit

The day the wildfires started Jeff and I went to the San Diego Zoo. Being "zoo people" we knew that we would be buying a membership so that we could visit often. As you all probably know, the San Diego Zoo is slated as being the best in America and of the best in the world. Seeing everything in one day is virtually impossible not to mention they have a second location, The Wild Animal Park we still haven't seen north of the city. If Jeff and I go to each once the membership has paid for itself so it was well worth it.

That Saturday afternoon we made it through about 2/3 of the park. There is almost too much to describe. For me, the highlights were the Polar Bears, the Great Apes, the Koalas and Jeff and both agreed our most favorite animal to watch was the Black Panther (Jaguar) which was very active as he paced just in front of the visitors. Even as an avid zoo enthusiast I can't recall ever seeing one before. It was pretty cool.

We didn't take a lot of photos but here's what I do have.

Many of the Tortoises at the San Diego Zoo arrived full grown in the early 1920s. Their actual age isn't known but they are believed to be over 100 years old.

Birds were fluttering all around the bird house.

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