
Ohio Here I Come

Winter's last Moon, originally uploaded by filmflood.

Not too much happening this weekend. The weather has been beautiful and reached 80 degrees today. I went out on the scooter but didn't quite have the time to laze by the pool. I'm surprised people don't come to visit more. It seems selfish to hoard all this sunshine to myself.

This week I will spend in Ohio. A few days in Dayton for work and then I head to Cincinnati (well, Kentucky really, but close to the city) to visit Mom. I'm not sure what we're going to see while we're there, so if anybody has any suggestions of things to do in Cincinnati, I'm all ears. It's supposed to be really cold... like 12F. So, while I wanted to see the zoo, it'll be too cold for me and the animals.

Jeff will be holding down the fort in San Diego. I'm sure he's looking forward to having the house to himself and enjoying some peace and quiet. I always do when he's away. ;)

I'll have my laptop with me and will post updates from Ohio this week.

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