
Michigan Family Reunion

Last weekend was my annual family reunion in Frasier, Michigan. I hadn't been in three years but heard this year was going to be the best turn out in awhile. Coming from a pretty small family the 30 or so that were able to make it this year made it one of the most attended in several years. I left Friday afternoon, had a layover in Chicago and got in around Midnight where I met up with my mom, my brother Mike and his girlfriend Danielle. Mom dropped the "kids" off at the hotel where we stayed for the next two nights.

The next morning we headed over to Nana's where we met up with Nana, Uncle Bob and David and my mom. They were performing damage control as Nana's brand new refrigerator wasn't working, the food was spoiling and we were 30 minutes from needing to leave to head toward the reunion. Unfortunately, they were still waiting for the replacement fridge to show up. We decided to split up. The girls would head to the reunion while the guys would hang back and take care of the broken fridge situation.

The reunion, as before, was great fun. I so rarely get to see family and most of the time feel pretty disconnected from everyone back in Michigan. It's nice, even if just for a few hours, to see everyone and be together as a family. The day was spent catching up, eating, drinking and playing games like bocce ball and a really fun yard lasso golf game, which I recommend for any outdoor party where there are people of all ages and athletic abilities.

That night Mom, Mike, Danielle, Uncle Bob, David and I sat around Nana's kitchen table, ate pizza and told ghost stories. When it got late we decided to call it a night and said goodbye to UB & D as they would be leaving early.

The next morning Mike, Danielle and I said goodbye to Nana and with Mom went into Detroit to walk around and push our faces against the gates where the Tigers were playing the Royals. The proximity to the game was too much for Mike to bare so he went and bought four cheap seat tickets and we entered the park. We never did bother finding our seats. Instead we watched a little of the game from the isles and spent the rest of the time shopping at the pro shop and eating ball park franks. In the 8th inning we left to avoid the crowds so I could make my way to the airport.

Although my trip was short it was well worth it and I can't wait to see everyone again next year.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle wants you to take that picture off of her, she thinks it looks hideous.
