
Christie Arrives in San Diego

Hi everyone. I arrived in San Diego permanently on Tuesday night. Dave, the cat, flew with me and was very well behaved. He whined and cried like a baby through the entire car ride to the airport. I thought he'd freak when he got on the plane but he chilled out and was fine the entire flight.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were spent equally split between looking for a job, unpacking and lounging at the pool. I already met Jeff's coworkers who are really great. We're supposed to go SCUBA diving on Monday with one of his coworkers and his wife but of course all my gear is on the truck probably somewhere around Kansas right now... along with my PADI card so I can't rent gear. DAMN!

I got my drivers permit on Friday too. I suppose I have to get my license now that I live in Cali. Public transportation sucks here and unlike East coast metropolises, everyone has a car. I'm hoping to get my first car sometime this month. If I don't have a job, it'll be some cheap beater... if I do have a job I may get something newer... like a Prius.

Ok, enough recap for one night... I'm tired and have already had a glass of wine, which means I have no control of my rambling.

Later ya'll!



Movers Come Tomorrow

Moving Tip #12, originally uploaded by gl0bug.

Ok, we're one day away from the big move. I have been packing for two days straight and Jeff is here to help... my job is to organize, separate, reorganize, pack, label, and clean. His job is to make sure the TV continues to work flawlessly until the movers arrive.

The apartment is in chaos... boxes are everywhere and I can't help but be disturbed by the places cat hair can hide. Ew.

Two of the last three fish were adopted by a fellow fish-geek in New Jersey. They get mailed out tomorrow and I hope she will decide to take the last one too. Fingers crossed.

Tuesday night we arrive, with cat in hand, at San Diego Airport. Then, the interviews commence. The next two weeks are packed with interviews at various design firms. I will keep you all informed on how the job hunt goes. Wish me luck!
