
First Visit to San Diego Tomorrow!

the Gaslamp Strip Club, originally uploaded by ashi.

I'm leaving tomorrow for San Diego! Finally I will get to see the new apartment and the new city. I'm toting along my new digital camera as well so I can document the trip for the Blog. It's going to be a long journey as I have to work a full day and catch a late flight. We don't have any formal plans in place yet but I know we're going to spend some time in the La Jolla / Del Mar areas since that's where we will be/are living. I will surely be hittin' the beach too. The harbor seals are on land and they have their pups in tow. There just aren't many things cuter than seal pups.

Since this is my first trip to the West coast...ever... I hope Jeff has plans to show me around downtown San Diego as well. Evidently the Gaslamp Quarter is where it's at with its phenomenal galleries, dining, shopping and nightlife. Maybe we'll hit a cafe and later check out the bar scene. Ok, ok... truth-be-told, the only reason I REALLY want to venture downtown is to check out The Museum of UnNatural History. I do have an affinity toward the macabre and how many opportunities does one get to take home both a great educational experience and an ancient irreversible curse? Now that's my kind of party.

Check out their website: http://www.museumofunnaturalhistory.com/ Sure, you'll get info on the museum but more importantly you have to read the NOTICE as to why the museum couldn't open on time. Seriously funny.


  1. Just incase they remove the Notice before you get to read it:

    "OPENING JANUARY 2007!!!
    Unfortunately, the Museum of Unnatural will not be able to open today as previously stated.

    Due to a tragic accident involving an inexperienced mover and the transportation/placement of one of our ancient artifacts, the entire exhibit is currently under investigation by a variety of rather dubious agencies including the FBI, CIA, Interpol, some hazardous waste group, even PETA and has not been cleared for public occupancy.

    Nevertheless, we are fully confident that our exhibit will be deemed safe for the general public within a few days and the troublesome artifact has been carefully moved to our storage facilities under the very sidewalk upon which you are standing.

    Our new opening date will be January 2007. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
    Mae Hemm

  2. Well by now I hope you've gotten a chance to see the Gaslamp district. Also nice is Old Town and Harborside, down by the airport along the waterfront. that's about a 3-4 mile walk.
    The Field, down in the Gaslamp is a nice Irish pub.
    Over toward Hotel Circle on the 8 is Gordon Bierch.
    There's probably a ton of other things to see up in Northern San Diego, where you are.


  3. There was so much to do there I think it will take months to see it all. We didn't get to the Gaslamp but it's high on our list of things to see for the next trip. I will post more photos of the trip soon. I can't wait to go back!
