
We Won 1st Place - IIDA Intergalactic Glam Fashion Show

Well we did it. The Jain Malkin team put in hours of hard work and planning, which ultimately paid off as we won 1st place on Thursday at the Haute Couture IIDA Fashion Show. The show, whose theme was Intergalactic Glam, was a fund raiser for Dress for Success. It was an amazing opportunity. Only 14 teams could participate (many were turned away) and each team could only have 5 core members able to compete on game day. Our competition included some of the biggest architecture firms in the country.

Cosmic Girl Team with Sponsor, Arcadia

We had 45 minutes to grab fabric (provided) and put together an outfit. We were allowed to bring accessories as long as they fit in a 5 gallon bucket. We had to provide our own music and write a script for the MC to read. Hundreds of people attended.

The Winning Design

We were the last team to walk the runway, with Kelly as our model (Dr. Ella Fitzpatrick). Marleen was her faithful sidekick Zalonia and I participated as a prop, an extraterrestrial representing "Menacing Alien Territory". Other members of the core team included Kristen (our fabric grabber) and Jamie (the gal with the creative vision).

Kelly and Marleen after the show.

After 3rd and 2nd place were awarded I was nervous but tried to remember it was for a good cause and the competition was fierce. To my delight, however, we were awarded the honor of 1st place. I have to admit, it felt so good to be recognized. The team worked so hard, meeting at least once per week and often several times each week to plan the outfit, tweak the music and amend the script. You go girls!

First Place Trophy

Jeff and I after the show.

Kelly and Jamie

Casscia and Marleen

Marleen and Kristen


Ninja Cat

Hi family/friends! I don't have much to talk about today but I did just watch a hilarious cat video on YouTube. I have to post it because it's really worth the view. I'm going to New Jersey this weekend so I should have lots to post about next week. Hope everyone is doing well. Jeff will have photos too, from his trip to Mt. Rainier.
