
Justin Visits San Diego

Justin came to San Diego for a visit last weekend. It was so great to see him and hang out. Hopefully he'll be back again with Lauren in tow. He was only in town for three full days so the trip was jam packed with adventure. On Friday we walked around PB, though the weather wasn't great we saw the beach, checked out a surf store or two and did a little shopping. We also hit La Jolla where I showed Howie the sites, including the beaches and harbor seals that were back for their pupping season.

On Saturday morning Justin, being the proactive guy that he is, had arranged to meet the UC Cyclery bike club folks for a 50 mile a.m. ride all along the north county. I, of course, slept in and sipped coffee until his return. Then we hit the road again for some fish tacos at Fins and a day of exploring Balboa Park.

Saturday night was an adventure in and of itself. Jeff, Justin and I tried to get dinner at Cafe Sevilla in the Gaslamp Quarter but after an hour and fifteen minutes of the hostess telling us, "just a few more minutes", we decided to bail and find foodage elsewhere. We ended up popping into Ole Madrid and had an amazing dinner with live entertainment. It goes to show you that sometimes it's better to play things by ear then to plan them in advance.

Since dinner went so late we headed straight to the Ivy Hotel for some cocktails and good conversation. We got in line for Envy, the hotel bar and after waiting in line for an hour we realized why they call it Envy. (You envy your friends who decided to stay home for the night.) Jeff couldn't take the wait anymore and bailed so Justin and I ventured in together to see what all the hype was about. We finally made it in, skipped straight through the club and headed up to the roof deck, known as Eden, where spent the evening sipping mojitos and catching up next to San Diego's trendiest bonfire. While I wouldn't wait in line on a regular basis to get into Eden, I do think it's worth the wait when you are looking to show out-of-towners a good time. It could be especially fun on a warm summer evening.

The next morning we drove to Del Mar for brunch at the Cafe Del Mar. This was another unplanned excursion that turned out to be a lucky choice. We all loved the cafe and can't wait to go back. We all wished Lauren was there with us and pledged to take her back there when she comes to visit next. The Cafe Del Mar definitely gets rave reviews from us. After brunch we walked Torrey Pines beach. The day, which was supposed to be cold and rainy, turned out to be quite nice and we enjoyed some photos and site seeing there before we had to drop Justin off at the airport. Here are a few photos from our last day with Howie, chillin in Del Mar.

Jeff and I at Torrey Pines

Howie on the beach.

Torrey Pines Beach

Justin and I at the beach.

Howie at Cafe Del Mar

Del Mar hang glider.

Me at the beach in Torrey Pines.