
New England Christmas

Freckles eats bows.

Ok, I know. I've been Slacky McSlacks-a-lot when it comes to keeping up with the blog. It's not that we haven't been up to much, really. It's that we've been up to so much I haven't had the chance to download all the photos and get up online. For the sake of catching up, I will post a bunch of threads with photos and start fresh next time with our newest of adventures.

I will go back to Christmas and start there. For the holidays, Jeff and I went back to Oxford to spend the Christmas with his family. It had been three years since we had been there last for the holidays. It was always eventful with family visiting and squeezing in time with friends.

Jeff's cousin Jonathan provides the entertainment.

Jeff cleverly disguises his Dad's gift in a Victoria's Secret box, causing gasps and fainting all around.

Donna and Vanessa check out their news gifts while Jamie's laser beam eyes glow red as she uses her powers of X-ray vision.

Brenda and Jonathan discuss what to name their band.

The highlight of Christmas day was definitely Joe and Kristin's announcement. Guess who's getting married? You can't miss the twinkle of passion in their eyes. Planning has already begun and we can expect a big Italian wedding next year.

Note the big fatty ring on her finger.

Halfway through our trip back east, Jeff and I split ways and I headed to the island to visit with friends and catch up with old classmates. I met up with with Kristina and Solan in Boston to take the kid's out to the Children's Museum before we sent them off with their Dad's so Kris and I could have a girls night on the town.

Kris and Sammy getting messy at the Children's Museum in Boston.

Solan, Kristina, MacKennah and Samantha experience a little healthy family competition.

Camden gets commissioned to work on the Big Dig.

After we dropped the kids off, Kris and I hopped on a plane to Nantucket. We had a nice dinner at Pi, which was a bagel place when I lived on the island. For a pizza joint, it has the ultimate in ambiance and was a warm and cozy get-away as I worked to adjust to the cold New England weather.

The next day was a usual day on the island. We had breakfast at the Downey Flake and ran around town chatting it up with people we haven't seen in ages and managed to make enough time for shucking scallops and feeding chickens. You know, the usual. That afternoon we stopped at the Cisco Brewery for a wine tasting. Their sweet Pinot Grigio is to die for.

Chris and Kris killin' time at the Cisco Brewery.

Later that evening we met up with some of Kristina's friends at the Muse, or whatever they're calling it these days. We chatted it up with lots of folks we haven't seen in years and then headed over to Kitty Murtagh's where we intended to stay a short time but ended up closing the place. It was a really fun time but I could have used an extra week to catch up with everyone.

After returning to the mainland, Jeff and I met up at my Uncle's house in Providence where we had another Christmas. We had some of David's amazing chili and watched football with the neighbors, Mike and Danielle. The visit was way too short but I'm so glad we were able to make it over as we haven't seen them in too long. Mike and Danielle got us a surf lesson in Mission Beach not far from our home in San Diego. We can't wait to use it this summer and will post the photos of us making complete idiots of ourselves.

On our last morning in Massachusetts we met up with Lauren and Justin at their favorite little breakfast joint, SoundBites, in Somerville. I have three words... "Stuffed... French... Toast!" Yum! We so miss them and was thrilled we could get together.

Well the next thing we knew we were on our plane and heading back to sunny San Diego. The trip was great fun but it was nice to be back in the warmer climate. Next year, we'll have Christmas at our house.